Current Bylaws
This cover page is not part of the Bylaws and may be altered without following
Bylaws Amendment Procedures
Mission statement: Educate constituents, promote civic engagement, register voters, increase
voter turnout, and elect Democratic candidates.
Table of Contents
Article I – Yuma County Democratic Central Committee (YCDCC)
Article II – Roles and Responsibilities
Article III – Equity Committee
Article IV - Election Procedures
Article V – Meetings
Article VI – Voting
Article VII – Vacancies, Removals, Resignations, Suspension
Article VIII – Code of Conduct, Harassment, Conflict of Interest
Article IX - Amendments, Construction, Definitions & Acronyms
Article X – Bylaws Language, Approval, Adoption
The Bylaws of the Yuma County Democratic Party
These Bylaws govern the Yuma County Democratic Central Committee (YCDCC), a component
of the Yuma County Democratic Party (YCDP), in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes Title
16, Chapter 5, Article 2; the Bylaws of the Arizona Democratic Party; and the Charter and the
Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the United States. The purpose of the YCDCC is to facilitate
Yuma County Precinct Committeepersons (PCs) in the performance of their duties and to
govern the YCDP.
Article I - Yuma County Democratic Central Committee (YCDCC)
The YCDP consists of all registered Democrat voters in Yuma County. The YCDCC shall be the
governing body of the YCDP. The total number of Precinct Committeepersons of the YCDP
constitute the YCDCC. The YCDCC comprises the following:
A. Precinct Committeeperson (PC):
1. Elected or
2. Appointed by the Yuma County Board of Supervisors (YCBoS) upon nomination by the
Chair, YCDCC.
B. The Executive Board consists of the following Elective Officers:
1. Chair
2. 1st Vice Chair
3. 2nd Vice Chair
4. Secretary
5. Treasurer
C. Committees and Chairs of YCDCC committees
D. State Committeeperson, commonly referred to as State Committee Member (SCM)
Article II - Roles and Responsibilities
Section 1 - YCDCC:
A. Is the governing body of the YCDP and possesses authority over actions of the Executive
Board and YCDCC committees.
B. Will recruit PCs and support them in the performance of their statutory duties.
C. May, in accordance with applicable laws, work with any individual or organization that
supports the candidates, causes, or goals of the Democratic Party. Such interaction shall not
convey any right to vote or otherwise participate in YCDCC leadership or management.
Section 2 - Precinct Committeeperson (PC):
A. PCs are the foundation of the YCDP and the YCDCC at the precinct level. They are the
grassroots representatives for YCDP. PCs in their official capacity shall
1. Adhere to the philosophy and principles of the Democratic Party;
2. Support Democratic Party nominees;
3. Accept the responsibilities imposed upon them by statute; and
4. Perform such other duties and services as deemed to be for the benefit of the Party.
B. Duties may include but are not limited to the following:
1. Assist in registration programs and in turning out a maximum Democratic vote.
2. Canvass and campaign only on behalf of Democratic candidates.
3. Support the ADP and YCDP.
4. Encourage financial support of the YCDP.
5. Maintain up to date contact information with the YCDCC Secretary.
6. Additional duties as assigned by ADP or YCDCC.
Section 3 – Officers:
A. Elective Officers are the officers of YCDCC and compose the voting members of the
Executive Board
1. Elective Offices: The Elective Officers of the YCDCC are the Chair, the 1st Vice-Chair and
the 2nd Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be elected from and by the elected
members of the YCDCC at the Biennial Organizational Meeting held pursuant to Art III of
these bylaws except as provided in Article VI.
2. Expenses of Officers: All officers of the YCDCC contribute their time without
compensation but may be allowed reasonable and necessary reimbursement of out-ofpocket
expenses in the performance of their official duties when authorized, approved, or
ratified by the Executive Board with approval of the Treasurer.
3. Signature Authority: The Chair and the Treasurer have signature authority (which they
may delegate) for the YCDCC as necessary to execute the duties of their offices and to carry
out the objectives of the YCDCC.
B. The Chair. The responsibilities of the Chair are as follows:
1. As the principle administrative and executive officer of the YCDCC, the Chair
a. Presides over meetings;
b. Represents and is the spokesperson for YCDCC to the general public;
c. Directs the affairs of YCDCC;
d. Makes recommendations to fill:
(1) PC Vacancies per Article VII and
(2) State Committeepersons (SCMs) vacancies;
e. Appoints Committees and Committee Chairs as described in Section 5 of this Article;
f. Executes the applicable laws of the State of Arizona and these Bylaws:
(1) Ensures YCDCC accesses voter registers and precinct lists in accordance with
State law and
(2) Be familiar with and execute the Chair’s election-related duties under State and
County laws and regulations pertaining to procedures and processes to ensure fair
and accurate elections.
g. Performs such other acts and duties which may be necessary to secure the
objectives and best interests of the YCDCC not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws,
ADP Bylaws, and State law; and
h. Delegates duties to either of the Vice-Chairs or Executive Board as the Chair deems
2. Serve as ex officio member of ADP State Committee, the Executive Committee of the
ADP, and all committees of the YCDCC.
C. The 1st Vice-Chair and the 2nd Vice-Chair: The responsibilities of the 1st Vice-Chair and the
2nd Vice-Chair are as follows:
1. Assist the Chair in the performance of the Chair’s duties and in the absence of the Chair
act in the Chair’s stead. If the office of the Chair is vacated, the 1st Vice Chair shall act as the
Chair until the office of Chair is filled in accordance with Article VII of these Bylaws.
2. Serve as ex officio members of and attend meetings of the ADP Executive Committee.
3. Throughout their terms, the Vice-Chairs shall propose, design, and execute projects
furthering the interests and objectives of the YCDP. Some projects will focus on party
leadership development.
4. Perform duties as assigned by the Chair and as provided by these bylaws.
5. In consultation with the Chair, may delegate their responsibilities as necessary.
D. Secretary. The responsibilities of the Secretary are as follows:
1. Keep records of meetings of the YCDCC and the Executive Board and provide written or
electronic copies to members in a timely manner.
2. Maintain the following lists:
a. Current contact list of PCs and
b. Membership lists of YCDCC SCM, Executive Board, and YCDP Committees.
3. Act as Custodian of minutes and reports of YCDCC, Executive Board, and YCDP
Committees and maintain electronic copies of minutes and reports as prescribed in the
Rules and Procedures Manual.
4. Send Biennial Organization and Special meetings notices as required by State law.
5. In consultation with the Chair, may delegate their responsibilities as necessary.
6. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair or as provided by these bylaws.
E. Treasurer. The responsibilities of the Treasurer are as follows:
1. Be responsible for the financial affairs of the YCDCC in accordance with standards of
accounting and federal, state, and local laws.
2. Receive and deposit all funds collected on behalf of the YCDCC and keep an accurate
account of same. Maintain adequate records pertaining to the finances of the YCDCC and
timely file all reports required by law;
3. Timely pay recurring bills necessary for day-to-day YCDCC operations;
4. As time and circumstances allow, disperse funds to pay non-recurring expenses as
directed by the YCDCC. If a disbursement decision is required before the next regularly
scheduled YCDCC meeting, then will follow the direction of the executive board. The
Treasurer is the final authority for accepting contributions, disbursing funds, or otherwise
making expenditures;
5. Report the financial condition of the organization at all the YCDCC business meetings;
6 Submit the YCDCC financial books and records to an auditing committee at the end of
the Treasurer's term of office or as directed by the Chair;
7. Serve as member of any committee pertaining to finance or that receives or disburses
8. The Treasurer may delegate their duties as they deem appropriate. The Treasurer shall
appoint another PC as assistant Treasurer to take over in the interim should the Treasurer
become incapacitated or otherwise unable to fulfill their duties. The assistant Treasurer is
not a member of the Executive Board but may represent the Treasurer at subcommittee or
executive board meetings; and
9. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair or as provided by these bylaws.
Section 4 - Executive Board:
A. The Executive Board shall meet on the call of the Chair. A quorum of the Executive Board
consists of at least three members attending a meeting. No proxies shall be allowed.
B. The duties of the Executive Board are:
1. Act on behalf of the YCDCC between meetings;
2. Perform other such duties as assigned by the Chair;
3. Adopt and maintain Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct Policies;
4. Adopt and maintain additional policies and procedures for the YCDCC and its staff and
5. Prepare
a. an Annual Financial Plan and
b. a YCDP Succession Plan; and
6. Disclose and resolve conflicts of interest as they may arise.
C. Prior to execution, contracts or agreements extending past the term of the current
Executive Board shall be submitted to the YCDCC for approval at the next meeting.
Section 5 – Appointments/Removals. Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, the Chair
may appoint, after notice to the Executive Board, individuals as necessary for compliance with
State guidelines, appropriate laws, and the proper conduct of the duties of the YCDCC. Such
appointees may be removed by the Chair after notice to the Executive Board, when in their
opinion the work of the position could be made more effective by such removal.
Section 6 - Committees and Committee Chairs:
A. Unless specified elsewhere in these bylaws, Standing Committees shall be created and
dissolved with the action of the Chair and Executive Board. Standing Committees remain active
until dissolved.
B. Special Committees shall be appointed as needed by the YCDCC Chair on the advice of the
YCDCC. The YCDCC Chair shall determine the personnel, size, and other details of the
composition. A Special Committee shall remain active
1. as necessary to accomplish its purpose;
2. until dissolved by the YCDCC Chair; or
3. after the Biennial Organization Meeting.
C. Membership on each committee is open to registered Democrats residing in Yuma County
who are willing to serve as members. Voting membership shall be reserved to PCs. The YCDCC
Chair may consider granting individuals who are not registered Democrats residing in Yuma
County membership on a committee.
D. Any Chairperson or member of a standing or special committee may be removed by the
YCDCC Chair when, in the YCDCC Chair’s opinion, the work of said committee could be made
more effective by such removal.
E. No committee shall be authorized to issue any statement on behalf of either the YCDCC, the
Executive Board, or as coming from the YCDP. Any statement or report issued by any
committee on its own behalf shall be confined within the scope of its duties.
F. The duties of the Equity Committee are to undertake the responsibilities stated in Article III
of these bylaws.
Section 7 - State Committeepersons/State Committee Members (SCM/SCMs):
SCMs have the duties of YCDCC PCs plus additional duties as provided in ADP Bylaws. SCMs
shall attend State Committee and YCDCC meetings, in person or by proxy, and act in the
interests of the YCDP, and should be guided by express instructions from the YCDCC on specific
Article III – Equity Committee
The YCDCC will maintain a strong commitment to diversity and expanding participation. To
assist the YCDCC with meeting this commitment, the Equity Committee advises all persons with
power of appointment and all elected bodies about the demographics of Yuma County so that
the YCDCC makeup is more representative of Yuma County as a whole.
A. Per the ADP Bylaws regarding Equity, the YCDCC will have an Equity Committee as a
Standing YCDCC Committee with the Equity Moderator serving as Chair. This committee may
not be dissolved except with consent of ADP.
B. Equity Moderator. Per ADP Bylaws, the Moderator is an ex officio member of the State
Equity Committee. If the Moderator is not an SCM, they shall identify a YCDCC SCM who is
willing to serve on the State Equity Committee.
C. The YCDCC Equity Committee shall comprise a broad spectrum of representation reflecting
the demographics of Yuma County. The Committee should include members residing in each
Legislative District within the County.
D. The Committee’s duties, goals, and selection of priorities should mirror those of the ADP
Equity Committee. The focus shall be on helping the YCDCC achieve demographic
representation among PCs and SCMs that match the demographics of Yuma County with
respect to these characteristics: race, ethnicity, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender
identity, economic status, country of origin, residence, and without regard to religious belief.
E. The Equity Committee shall meet at least once each quarter at the call of the Moderator.
Article IV - Election Procedures
Section 1 - Elective Officers:
A. Election:
1. Officers are elected at the Biennial Organizational Meeting per ARS 16-824 and Art. V of
these Bylaws. Any elected PC may run for an office. Filling vacancies occurring after the
Biennial Organizational Meeting are addressed in Article VII of these bylaws.
2. Only elected PCs may vote at the Biennial Organizational Meeting for the Chair, 1st Vice
Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
3. The 1st Vice Chair shall identify with a different gender than the Chair. The 2nd Vice
Chair shall identify with a different gender than the 1st Vice Chair.
4. Nominations for the YCDCC officers shall be made from the floor of the meeting and no
slate identification shall be allowed on any ballots or balloting at these elections. No person
shall be nominated as a candidate without their consent.
5. If only one candidate is nominated for an office, election will be by acclamation. When
there are multiple candidates for one office, voting will be by secret ballot. The candidate
receiving a simple majority is elected. If no candidate receives a majority of votes, the
candidate receiving the lowest number of votes will be removed from the ballot and a new
vote conducted of the remaining candidates. Ties will be resolved per provisions in the
Rules and Procedures Manual.
B. Term. Each officer shall hold office from the date of election until a successor is elected or
until the officer ceases to hold membership in the YCDP, whichever first occurs. Vacancies of
elective offices are addressed in Article VII of these bylaws.
Section 2 - State Committeeperson/State Committee Member (SCM).
A. The Chair is an ex-officio member of the State Committee and does not count towards the
YCDCC SCM elected positions. During the Biennial Organizational Meeting, the YCDCC shall
elect from its elected PCs one SCM for every three duly elected PCs.
B. The policy of the YCDCC is to elect as diverse a group of persons to membership on the
State Committee in order to represent and reflect varied party problems, viewpoints,
demographics, and interests.
C. Nominations for election to the State Committee will be from the floor. No slate
identification shall be allowed on any ballots or balloting at these elections. Only PCs elected at
the preceding primary election shall be eligible to vote in elections of SCMs.
D. If, following the YCDCC Biennial Organizational Meeting, there are fewer PCs elected to the
State Committee than the number of slots to which Yuma County is entitled the YCDCC Chair
may recommend duly elected PC(s) to the State Chair to fill the vacant SCM slot(s) for the
YCDCC. Following the State Committee Organizational Meeting, vacancies in the State
Committee may be filled by any PC pursuant to statutory procedure, and the bylaws of the
Article V - Meetings
Section 1 – Biennial Organizational Meeting: The Biennial Organizational Meeting of the YCDCC
shall be held after the general election in even numbered years and no later than the second
Saturday in January of the year following the general election.
A. The Chair of the YCDCC shall direct the Secretary to give notice of the Biennial
Organizational meeting as provided by Arizona statute to each elected PC of the YCDCC. Notice
shall specify the date, time, and place of the meeting. Notice shall be sent by United States mail
or electronically not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
B. The purpose of the Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be to elect officers and SCMs
listed in Art. I subparagraphs A. and D., respectively. Other business may be conducted as
C. The election shall be officiated by a Chair Pro Tempore (Pro Tem) who is a registered
Democrat in the United States and who is not running for an elected position in the YCDCC. The
Chair Pro Tem shall be appointed pursuant to Art. II, Section 5 of these bylaws.
D. The Credentials Committee shall be appointed pursuant to Art. II, Section 6.B. and may be
appointed in advance of the Biennial Organizational Meeting.
E. Quorum for elections at the Biennial Organizational Meetings shall be 25% of the total
number of elected PCs. PCs may be present in person or by proxy.
F. The Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be conducted in the following manner:
1. Call to order by the Chair.
2. The Secretary’s report of the minutes of the last meeting of the YCDCC.
3. Treasurer’s report.
4. Reports of other officers and committee chairpersons and action items needed to
conduct the elections, if any.
5. The Chair relinquishes the meeting to the Chair Pro Tem.
6. Verification of electors, proxies, and quorum by the Credentials Committee.
7. Election of a Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
8. Election of Arizona Democratic Party SCMs.
9. At the conclusion of elections, the new Chair becomes the presiding officer and assumes
responsibilities and duties of office.
10. Other business. All PCs may vote.
11. Adjournment.
12. Post-adjournment all other elected officers and SCMs assume responsibilities and
duties. Outgoing officers transfer records of their respective offices.
Section 2 - Business Meeting: The YCDCC shall conduct at least 10 monthly business meetings
per year, time and place to be designated by the YCDCC Chair. Notice of business meetings will
be communicated in advance. The Biennial Organizational Meeting may be included as one of
the 10 monthly business meetings.
Section 3 - Special Meetings:
A. Special Meetings of the YCDCC may be called
1. By the Chair;
2. By a majority of the Executive Board; or
3. When a member of the Executive Board receives a written request signed by at least
fifteen percent (15%) of the membership of the YCDCC. This written request must specify
the purpose or purposes of the requested meeting.
B. Notice of any Special Meeting shall be given to every PC at least ten (10) days prior to the
date of the meeting. Notice shall set forth the time and place of the Special Meeting and the
specific purpose or purposes of the meeting.
C. No business shall be transacted at Special Meetings other than that specified in the notice
of the meeting.
Section 4 - Virtual Meeting Participation:
Participants may attend meetings through real time audio-conference, video-conference, or
any other electronic conferencing when technologically feasible. The YCDCC is not obligated to
provide equipment to participants to facilitate virtual attendance.
A. Permission to attend virtually is not a guarantee that electronic attendance will be possible.
B. PCs attending electronically shall be counted as in person attendance for purposes of
establishing a quorum for all meetings.
C. Recording of meetings by attendees is prohibited.
Section 5 – Quorum: The YCDCC PCs present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum at
any meeting of the YCDCC, except where otherwise indicated in these bylaws.
Section 6 - Parliamentary Procedure: All meetings shall be governed by procedures as
prescribed in order of authority and precedence by: (1) State Statute (2) these Bylaws (3)
YCDCC rules, and (4) Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition.
Section 7 - Open Meetings:
A. YCDCC Business Meetings are open to all Party Members and their invited guests;
volunteers and those holding Democratic ideals are encouraged to attend and participate as
prescribed by these Bylaws. The presiding officer may exclude anyone other than a PC from all
or part of the meeting in their sole discretion.
B. Books, records, and minutes of the Party are open for review of any PC upon reasonable
notice and during regular office hours or by agreed appointment.
Section 8 - Limits on Discussions and Debates: The presiding officer may limit, defer, or
reschedule discussion and debates as necessary.
Section 9 – Notice of Meetings:
A. The Notice of Meeting shall state at minimum the date, time, and place of the meeting.
B. To achieve cost savings consistent with principles of good stewardship, the preferred
method of giving notice shall be electronic. Those PCs with accessibility issues may request
notice by US Mail. PCs are responsible for providing their updated contact information.
Section 10 – Resolutions: Resolutions shall be submitted by PCs in writing stating its purpose to
the Secretary 21-days prior to discussion. When action is required in less than 21-days, the
proponent shall provide copies to all attendees. Guidelines for resolutions are published in the
YCDP Rules and Procedures Manual.
Article VI - Voting
Section 1 – Eligibility:
A. Only PCs may vote on YCDCC matters.
B. Pursuant to ARS § 16-821B only elected PCs may vote for Elective Officers and SCMs at the
Biennial Organizational Meeting.
C. Both elected and appointed PCs may vote to fill a subsequent Elective Officer vacancy.
D. The Chair may require review of credentials prior to any vote.
Section 2 – Proxies:
A. PCs prevented from attending a meeting of the YCDCC for any reason shall be allowed
proxies. Proxies will not be allowed at meetings of other committees.
B. Proxies may only be given to another qualified elector of the precinct where the PC resides.
C. Each proxy shall specify the date of the meeting for which it is given.
D. Proxies shall be valid only for the length of the meeting for which it is given unless revoked.
Validity of proxies when meetings are extended or postponed will be addressed in the YCDCC
Rules and Procedures Manual.
E. Every proxy shall be attested by a notary public or two witnesses.
F. Proxies must be received by YCDCC prior to the start of the meeting.
G. All proxies shall be in the form approved by the YCDCC.
Section 3 - Voting Methods: YCDCC may elect to use any of the following voting methods
A. Acclamation (limited to election of officers)
B. Voice
C. Show of hands/rising
D. Roll Call
E. Written Ballot
F. By Proxy unless otherwise specified
G. Electronic
H. Mail
I. Other methods not listed but allowed by Roberts Rules.
Article VII – Vacancies, Removals, Resignations, Suspension
Section 1 – Precinct Committee Person:
A. Vacancy:
1. The Chair may recommend that the YCBoS determine that a PC position is vacant. The
Chair may submit the name of a replacement with their recommendation.
2. The Chair shall base their vacancy recommendation on the criteria listed in ARS § 38-
291, as then in effect or its successor.
3. A PC shall be given notice that provides the reasons and intent for recommending that
YCBoS determine that their position is vacant and provides a reasonable opportunity to
submit a response to the proposed recommendation.
B. Cause for Removal:
1. A PC may be removed from office for cause. Cause for removal includes the following:
a. Failure to fulfill the duties of the office under Arizona law or the YCDCC bylaws;
b. Malfeasance;
c. Willful or corrupt misconduct in office;
d. Harassment, bullying, or other behavior inconsistent with the expectations outlined
in the ADP’s Code of Conduct;
e. Public support of an opposition party candidate in a partisan election; or
f. Conviction of a felony.
2. Removal Procedure for PC. The procedures for removing a PC shall be as follows:
a. Notice to Precinct Committeeperson. If it is recommended that a PC be removed
from office due to an offense listed in Section 1, then no fewer than fourteen (14) days
before the meeting when the recommendation for removal will be discussed and voted
on, the County Secretary must send written notice to the PC whose removal from office
is being sought. The written notice must include: (1) all reasons for the recommendation
for removal, including any supporting documentation; (2) the date, time, and location of
the meeting where the matter will be discussed and voted on; and (3) a statement that
the PC whose removal is being sought may respond in writing, will have an opportunity
to respond at the meeting, and has the right to present documents or call witnesses to
testify on their behalf at the meeting.
b. Meeting of the County Executive Board. The Chair will preside over the meeting
where the recommendation for removal is discussed and voted on and must ensure that
the meeting is either recorded or transcribed verbatim. A representative of the
Executive Board must present the reasons for potential removal and give the PC whose
removal is sought a chance to respond. The PC must have the opportunity to present
documents or call witnesses to testify on their behalf before any vote on a
recommendation for removal. After the PC and Executive Board representative are
provided a reasonable opportunity to speak, the PC may be removed by a majority vote
of the Executive Board.
c. Notice of Vacancy. If the Executive Board removes a PC, the Chair must promptly
send a written notice and recommendation to the Yuma County Board of Supervisors
under A.R.S. § 16-821(B).
3. Suspension Pending Removal.
a. A PC shall be considered suspended from all official duties and activities of the
YCDCC pending the completion of removal proceedings under Section 2 of this Article if:
(1) The PC was provided with the written notice required by Section 2(a) of this
Article; and
(2) The cause specified in the written notice required by Section 2(a) of this Article
involves conduct that presents a risk of ongoing harm to the YCDCC or any third
b. A suspension under this Section will terminate upon the earlier of the following:
(1) The Executive Board voting not to remove the PC under Section 2(c) of this
Article; or
(2) The Yuma County Board of Supervisors determining that the PC’s office is vacant
under A.R.S. § 16-821(A).
C. Resignation from Office:
A PC may resign at any time by providing written notice of their resignation to the Chair. In
addition, a PC will be deemed to have automatically resigned their office if they (1) move out of
the precinct from which they were elected or appointed or (2) change political parties. See
A.R.S. § 16-822(D). If a Precinct Committeeperson resigns under this Article, the Chair must
promptly send a written notice and recommendation to the Yuma County Board of Supervisors
under A.R.S. § 16-821(B).
Section 2 - Elective Officers:
A. Vacancy:
1. Filling Vacancies
a. Chair: Should the office of the Chair become vacant prior to the end of the
expiration of the term, the office shall be filled by election.
(1) If the vacancy occurs prior to June first in a General Election year, by special
election at the earliest possible date.
(2) If the vacancy occurs on or after June first in a General Election year, the
vacancy shall be filled by election at the next Biennial Organization Meeting per
Article II § 3.C.1.
b. Treasurer: Vacancy will be filled in the interim by appointment pending special
election which shall occur at the earliest possible date.
c. 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and Secretary:
(1) If the vacancy occurs prior to June first in a General Election year, by special
election at the earliest possible date.
(2) If the vacancy occurs on or after June first in a General Election year, by
appointment until the next Biennial Organizational Meeting.
d. Any member of the YCDCC may run to fill a vacancy in an Elective Office.
2. The Executive Board shall determine that an elective office is vacant under the following
a. Death
b. Incapacity
c. Judicially determined insanity
d. Resignation
3. The Executive Board may determine that an elective office is vacant due to a failure of
the officer to maintain PC status.
B. Removal: An Elected Officer may be removed by vote of PCs for good cause as described in
the YCDCC Rules and Procedures Manual. Good cause may include but is not limited to the
1. Office holder no longer maintains their domicile in Yuma County
2. Failure to discharge duties of office for three consecutive months without approved
leave of absence
3. Public support of an opposition party candidate in a partisan election
4. Malfeasance in office
5. Failure to carry out the duties of the office
6. Harassment, bullying, or other behavior inconsistent with the expectations outlined in
the Arizona Democratic Party’s Code of Conduct;
7. Officeholder is convicted of a felony.
C. Resignation: An officer may resign from their position if they feel unable to fulfill their
duties. The officer should submit a letter of resignation to the Chair or to the First Vice Chair if
the resigning officer is the Chair. The Chair shall notify the YCDCC as soon as practicable. By
mutual agreement between the officer and the Executive Board, the officer may remain in the
position until a special election to fill the vacancy is held.
Section 3 – State Committee Person:
A. Vacancy: Determinations that an SCM position is vacant and filling such vacancies shall be
accomplished in accordance with ADP bylaws and state statutes.
B. During investigations to determine if an SCM should be removed under the ADP Bylaws, the
YCDCC may suspend an SCM from their duties and will give notice of the investigation and
suspension to the State Committee.
Section 4 - Leave of Absence:
A. May be granted for good reason given in writing and upon acceptance by Executive Board.
B. The written notice shall provide the expected duration of the Leave of Absence. A PC may
resume duties earlier than the duration requested.
C. Shall be temporary, not to exceed six (6) months.
D. If the reasons for the leave allow, PCs on leave of absence may submit proxies during the
leave period.
E. SCMs are responsible for ensuring that they follow ADP Bylaws provisions regarding
Article VIII – Code of Conduct, Harassment, and Conflict of Interest
Section 1 - Code of Conduct and Harassment:
A. Applicability: This policy applies to all YCDCC officers, members, volunteers, visitors, and
employees and will be considered when entering into contracts and affiliating with other
B. Policy: Those to whom this policy applies shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner
that reflects credibility of the office or position they serve and that confers respect to all other
members. A Code of Conduct and a policy on Harassment shall be adopted and maintained by
the YCDCC Executive Board. The policies may be amended, if necessary, and shall be readopted
at the first Executive Board meeting following each Biennial Organizational Meeting. The initial
adoption of the Code of Conduct and Harassment policy shall occur within sixty (60) days of the
adoption of this Bylaws provision. Copies of the policies shall be made available to all PCs.
C. Monitoring Compliance: Allegations of Code of Conduct violations and Harassment shall be
reported to the Executive Board for investigation and resolution. All related information shall
be held in confidence as allowable by law. A summary of activities related to the Code of
Conduct and Harassment may be presented as necessary at YCDCC meetings.
Section 2 - Conflict of Interest Policy:
A. Applicability: Executive Board Members and Committee Chairs.
B. Policy: Those to whom this policy applies shall not use their office or position to gain special
privileges or benefits and shall refrain from action in their official capacities when their
judgement could potentially be affected by personal interests. A Conflict of Interest Policy shall
be adopted and maintained by the YCDCC Executive Board. The Policy may be amended, if
necessary, and shall be readopted at the first Executive Board meeting following each Biennial
Organizational Meeting. The initial adoption of the Conflict of Interest Policy shall occur within
sixty (60) days of the adoption of this Bylaws provision. A copy of this Policy shall be made
available to all PCs.
B. Monitoring Compliance: Periodic reports summarizing: 1) contracts and related procedures;
2) expenditures; and 3) any and all Conflict of Interest issues shall be presented to and
evaluated by the Executive Board. A summary of findings shall be presented at YCDCC meeting.
Article IX- Miscellaneous, Amendments, Construction, and Definitions &
Section 1 – These Bylaws do not create rights or causes of actions outside of the YCDCC .No
court may determine the election of a YCDCC officer void other than for failure to comply with
the terms of ARS § 16-824.
Section 2 - Amendments:
A. Changes of laws or regulations which conflict with or otherwise apply to these Bylaws shall
be followed by the YCDCC until amendments can be formally adopted.
B. Only a PC may propose an amendment or repeal to these Bylaws by submitting the proposal
to the Rules and Bylaws Committee.
C. Proposed amendments and requests for conflict determination shall be submitted in writing
to the Rules and Bylaws Committee for review. The Committee shall recommend approval,
rejection, or amendment of all changes to the bylaws proposed by PCs and provide an opinion
prior to a vote by the YCDCC membership. The Rules and Bylaws Committee shall notify the
Executive Board of its recommendations.
D. Approval of amendment or repeal of these Bylaws requires a Two-Thirds (2/3) vote of the
YCDCC PCs present in person or by proxy at any meeting when notice and an exact copy of the
proposal was previously made available. A quorum for such meetings shall be 25% of the YCDCC
Section 3 - Construction:
A. To assist with interpreting these Bylaws the following order of precedence for construction
of these bylaws shall be followed: the bylaws text; any adopted YCDCC Rules and Procedures
Manual; applicable statutes; past YCDCC customs and practices; applicable ADP Bylaws
sections; drafters’ notes to the bylaws; reference to other county committee’s by-laws; and
Roberts Rules of Order, the most recent edition.
B. These Bylaws shall be construed consistently with applicable laws, regulations, and ADP
Bylaws. Where these Bylaws conflict with applicable laws, regulations, or ADP Bylaws, the law,
regulation, or ADP Bylaws shall be controlling authority.
Section 4 - Definitions & Acronyms:
A. Definitions:
1. 1st Vice and 2nd Vice: The terms 1st Vice and 2nd Vice have the same meaning as the
terms “vice-chairman” and “vice-chairwoman” as those terms are used in Arizona Revised
Statutes, Title 16.
2. Acclamation: If there is only one nomination or no objection to a motion, the Chair after
ensuring that no members present wish to make further nominations or objections,
declares the nominee is elected or the motion is carried.
3. Chair: The term “The Chair” refers to the chief elective officer “The Chair” or 1st Vice or
2nd Vice when either has assumed the role of the Chair pursuant to these Bylaws. The Chair
as that term is used in these Bylaws has the same meaning as “county chairman,”
“chairman,” or “party chair” as those terms are used in Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 16.
4. Electronic notice: Notice given by media such as, but not limited to, email, texting,
messaging, social media, and official internet web sites
5. In person attendance: Presence at the YCDP headquarters or the location designated
for the conduct of a meeting and attendance by electronic or telephonic means.
6. Motion: A formal proposal presented by a PC, in a meeting, that the YCDCC take a
certain action.
7. Pro Tempore: For the time being. Refers to a person temporarily occupying a position.
Often shortened to “pro tem.”
8. Quorum: The minimum number of members who must be present at YCDCC meetings
to validly transact business pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order, 12th, para. 3:3. The YCDCC
quorum includes PCs in attendance in person or by proxy.
9. Resolution: An important or complex motion where greater formality is required
pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order, the latest edition.
10. Seconding (of a Motion): Made by another PC who wishes a motion be considered by
the YCDCC.
B. Acronyms:
1. PC/PCs: Precinct Committeeperson. Has the same meaning as “precinct committeeman”
as that term is used in Arizona statutes as well as “precinct committeemen” and “precinct
committeewomen” as those terms are used in the Arizona Constitution.
2. R&P Manual: Rules and Procedures Manual: The Bylaws and Rules Committee or its
successor shall draft, edit, and update a manual of rules and procedures.
3. SCM/SCMs: State Committeemember and State Committeeperson as that term is used
in the ADP Bylaws. In the ADP, SCM may also refer to the ADP State Committee Meeting.
Article X – Bylaws Language & Approval
Bylaws shall be published in English and Spanish.
These Bylaws were approved and adopted by vote of the YCDCC on the ___ day of DRAFT,
Proposed changes
Amend Art. IV§2, State Committeepersons/State Committee Member
Reason for amending: ADP is effecting state law (ARS § 16-825) and electing SCMs at Legislative District (LD) Organizational Meetings instead of at County Biennial Organizational Meeting (BOM). Yuma County has parts of two LDs within its boundaries. Under the change, SCMs are elected by Yuma County PCs in LD23 and LD25. When the total number of Yuma County PCs in an LD is not evenly divided by three (3), the remainders from both LDs will be added and YCDCC will elect 1 SCM for each 3 aggregated remainders. If the aggregated remainders leaves a remainder of two (2), YCDCC will elect another SCM (2 rounds up to 3).
Art. IV§2 presently reads as follows:
“Article IV - Election Procedures
Section 1….(no change)
Section 2 - State Committeeperson/State Committee Member (SCM).
A. The Chair is an ex-officio member of the State Committee and does not count towards the YCDCC SCM elected positions. During the Biennial Organizational Meeting, the YCDCC shall elect from its elected PCs one SCM for every three duly elected PCs.
B. The policy of the YCDCC is to elect as diverse a group of persons to membership on the State Committee in order to represent and reflect varied party problems, viewpoints, demographics, and interests.
C. Nominations for election to the State Committee will be from the floor. No slate identification shall be allowed on any ballots or balloting at these elections. Only PCs elected at the preceding primary election shall be eligible to vote in elections of SCMs.
D. If, following the YCDCC Biennial Organizational Meeting, there are fewer PCs elected to the State Committee than the number of slots to which Yuma County is entitled the YCDCC Chair may recommend duly elected PC(s) to the State Chair to fill the vacant SCM slot(s) for the YCDCC. Following the State Committee Organizational Meeting, vacancies in the State Committee may be filled by any PC pursuant to statutory procedure, and the bylaws of the YCDCC and ADP.”
After the proposed amendments are adopted, Art. IV §2 will read as follows (changes are in red):
“Article IV - Election Procedures
Section 1….(no change)
Section 2 - State Committeeperson/State Committee Member (SCM).
SCMs will be elected as provided in ADP Bylaws. The Chair is an ex-officio member of the State Committee and does not count towards the YCDCC SCM elected positions. One SCM for every three duly elected PCs in the YCDCC shall be elected from within the number of its elected PCs. Only PCs elected in the preceding primary election shall be eligible to vote in elections of SCMs.
B. The policy of the YCDCC is to elect as diverse a group of persons to membership on the State Committee in order to represent and reflect varied party problems, viewpoints, demographics, and interests.
C. If, following the YCDCC Biennial Organizational Meeting, there are fewer PCs elected to the State Committee than the number of slots to which YCDCC Yuma County is entitled, the YCDCC Chair may recommend duly elected PC(s) to the State Chair to fill the vacant SCM slot(s) for the YCDCC. Following the State Committee Organizational Meeting, vacancies in the State Committee may be filled by any PC pursuant to statutory procedure and the bylaws of the YCDCC and ADP.”
Details of proposed amendments.
Change Art. IV§2A
“A. The Chair is an ex-officio member of the State Committee and does not count towards the YCDCC SCM elected positions. During the Biennial Organizational Meeting, the YCDCC shall elect from its elected PCs one SCM for every three duly elected PCs. “
“A. SCMs will be elected as provided in ADP Bylaws. The Chair is an ex-officio member of the State Committee and does not count towards the YCDCC SCM elected positions. One SCM for every three duly elected PCs in the YCDCC shall be elected from within the number of its elected PCs. Only PCs elected at the preceding primary election shall be eligible to vote in elections of SCMs.”
Change Art.IV§2C by deleting the present subparagraph C and replacing it with the content of subparagraph D and redesignating subparagraph D as subparagraph C.
“C. Nominations for election to the State Committee will be from the floor. No slate identification shall be allowed on any ballots or balloting at these elections. Only PCs elected at the preceding primary election shall be eligible to vote in elections of SCMs. “
“C. If, following the YCDCC Biennial Organizational Meeting, there are fewer PCs elected to the State Committee than the number of slots to which YCDCC Yuma County is entitled the YCDCC Chair may recommend duly elected PC(s) to the State Chair to fill the vacant SCM slot(s) for the YCDCC. Following the State Committee Organizational Meeting, vacancies in the State Committee may be filled by any PC pursuant to statutory procedure, and the bylaws of the YCDCC and ADP.”
Delete present Art. IV § 2C and redesignate Art. IV §2D as Art. IV § 2CD.
Amend Article V§1, Biennial Organizational Meeting
Reason for amending: preparation for 2023 Reorg found that present Art. V § 1F detailed procedures did not allow necessary flexibility for conducting the BOM. This will entail numerous changes to Art. V, Meetings, §1. Art. V §1 presently reads as follows:
“Article V - Meetings
Section 1 – Biennial Organizational Meeting: The Biennial Organizational Meeting of the YCDCC shall be held after the general election in even numbered years and no later than the second Saturday in January of the year following the general election.
A. The Chair of the YCDCC shall direct the Secretary to give notice of the Biennial Organizational meeting as provided by Arizona statute to each elected PC of the YCDCC. Notice shall specify the date, time, and place of the meeting. Notice shall be sent by United States mail or electronically not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
B. The purpose of the Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be to elect officers and SCMs listed in Art. I subparagraphs A. and D., respectively. Other business may be conducted as necessary.
C. The election shall be officiated by a Chair Pro Tempore (Pro Tem) who is a registered Democrat in the United States and who is not running for an elected position in the YCDCC. The Chair Pro Tem shall be appointed pursuant to Art. II, Section 5 of these bylaws.
D. The Credentials Committee shall be appointed pursuant to Art. II, Section 6.B. and may be appointed in advance of the Biennial Organizational Meeting.
E. Quorum for elections at the Biennial Organizational Meetings shall be 25% of the total number of elected PCs. PCs may be present in person or by proxy.
F. The Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be conducted in the following manner:
1. Call to order by the Chair.
2. The Secretary’s report of the minutes of the last meeting of the YCDCC.
3. Treasurer’s report.
4. Reports of other officers and committee chairpersons and action items needed to conduct the elections, if any.
5. The Chair relinquishes the meeting to the Chair Pro Tem.
6. Verification of electors, proxies, and quorum by the Credentials Committee.
7. Election of a Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
8. Election of Arizona Democratic Party SCMs.
9. At the conclusion of elections, the new Chair becomes the presiding officer and assumes responsibilities and duties of office.
10. Other business. All PCs may vote.
11. Adjournment.
12. Post-adjournment all other elected officers and SCMs assume responsibilities and duties. Outgoing officers transfer records of their respective offices. “
After the proposed amendments are adopted, Art. V §1 will read as follows (changes are in red):
“Article V - Meetings
Section 1 – Biennial Organizational Meeting: The Biennial Organizational Meeting of the YCDCC shall be held after the general election in even numbered years and no later than the second Saturday in January of the year following the general election.
The Chair of the YCDCC shall direct the Secretary to give notice of the Biennial Organizational meeting as provided by Arizona statute to each elected PC of the YCDCC. Notice shall specify the date, time, and place of the meeting. Notice shall be sent by United States mail or electronically not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
The purpose of the Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be to elect officers listed in Art. I subparagraph B. SCMs, listed in Art. I, subparagraph D., will be elected pursuant to law and ADP Bylaws. Other business may be conducted as necessary.
The election of officers shall be officiated by a person Chair Pro Tempore (Pro Tem) who is a registered Democrat in the United States and who is not running for an elected position in the YCDCC. The official Chair Pro Tem shall be appointed pursuant to Art. II, Section 5 of these Bylaws.
D. The Credentials Committee shall be appointed pursuant to Art. II, Section 6.B. and may be appointed in advance of the Biennial Organizational Meeting.
D. E. Quorum for elections at the Biennial Organizational Meetings shall be 25% of the total number of elected PCs. PCs may be present in person or by proxy.
E. F. The Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be conducted as determined by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Board and in accordance with this Article IV through VI of these Bylaws and the Rules and Procedures Manual.”
Details of proposed Amendments.
Amend Art. V§1F
“F. The Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be conducted in the following manner:
1. Call to order by the Chair.
2. The Secretary’s report of the minutes of the last meeting of the YCDCC.
3. Treasurer’s report.
4. Reports of other officers and committee chairpersons and action items needed to conduct the elections, if any.
5. The Chair relinquishes the meeting to the Chair Pro Tem.
6. Verification of electors, proxies, and quorum by the Credentials Committee.
7. Election of a Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
8. Election of Arizona Democratic Party SCMs.
9. At the conclusion of elections, the new Chair becomes the presiding officer and assumes responsibilities and duties of office.
10. Other business. All PCs may vote.
11. Adjournment.
12. Post-adjournment all other elected officers and SCMs assume responsibilities and duties. Outgoing officers transfer records of their respective offices.”
“E. The Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be conducted as determined by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Board and in accordance with this Article IV through VI of these Bylaws and the Rules and Procedures Manual.”
Address conduct of BOM in R&P Manual
Delete present text of Art. V§1D, Credential Committee. Add R&P Manual Section, if necessary, discussing that CC will be a Special Committee appointed by chair on advice of YCDCC under Art. II§6B.
Art. V§1E (BOM Quorum) as Art.V§1D
Art. V§1F, Conduct of BOM, as Art. V§1E.
Reason for Amending: When preparing for the 2023 BOM, the Chair found Art. V§1C is unlikely to be followed as written. To provide needed flexibility the following amendment to Art. V§1C is proposed:
“C. The election shall be officiated by a Chair Pro Tempore (Pro Tem) who is a registered Democrat in the United States and who is not running for an elected position in the YCDCC. The Chair Pro Tem shall be appointed pursuant to Art. II, Section 5 of these bylaws.”
“C. The election of officers shall be officiated by a person Chair Pro Tempore (Pro Tem) who is a registered Democrat in the United States and who is not running for an elected position in the YCDCC. The official Chair Pro Tem shall be appointed pursuant to Art. II, Section 5 of these Bylaws. “
ADP is effecting State law on organizing Legislative Districts (LD) which in turn changes how SCM are elected. They are no longer elected at County BOM but instead at LD BOM. This change resulted in YDCC needing the following proposed amendments to its Bylaws.
Change Art. V§1B.
“B. The purpose of the Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be to elect officers and SCMs listed in Art. I subparagraphs A. and D., respectively. Other business may be conducted as necessary. “
“B. The purpose of the Biennial Organizational Meeting shall be to elect officers and SCMs listed in Art. I subparagraphs B A. and D., respectively. SCMs, listed in Art. I, subparagraph D., will be elected pursuant to law and ADP Bylaws. Other business may be conducted as necessary.”
Note: the reference to subparagraph A regarding elected officers is in error that the amendment will correct by changing to subparagraph B.